5th Initiative
Human Rights and the Internet
Can Human Rights be transferred to the Internet? Should they be the basis for global (Internet) governance structures? And how can the Internet in turn contribute to the implementation of Human Rights?
4th Initiative
Privacy and Publicness
Due to the omnipresence of the Internet and the on-going digitalization of our daily lives there has been a rapid change of what is perceived as public and what as private. What information is still private and how can we protect it? Do we need to develop a different understanding or is there a need to redefine privacy and publicness?
3rd Initiative
Copyright for the Information Society
This initiative of the Internet & Society Co:llaboratory is researching the features of a copyright for the information regime of the 21st century in terms of a regulatory framework for intangible property.
2nd Initiative
Open Government
Open Government understands politics and administration as open value-added prcoesses, which increase governmental legitimation and capacities by allowing paricipation of the civil society, experts and decentralized knowledge.
1st Initiative
Innovation Culture in the Digital Society
The first initiative researches the basis on the innovation culture in the information- and knowledge society. It aims to create an understanding of the specific features and opportunities of the Internet and takes the core values of our society into account.
What is Publicness? (German)
Wie definieren wir privat, wie öffentlich? Welche Daten wollen wir geheim halten und können wir das überhaupt? In ihrem zweiten Workshop suchten die Experten der vierten Initiative erste Antworten. Auch Ihre Meinung ist gefragt.
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