

Ohus (Maori for communal working groups) are long-term communities of practice made up of experts from all sectors, including government, that work as platforms for projects, research, debate, events or direct action.

Ohu Copyright

The Ohu wants to go further than formulating dissents and position papers. It hopes to encourage a broad discussion about a modernised copyright, which keeps up to the recent technological developments.

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Ohu Cultural Heritage and Digital World

The ongoing digitalisation offers a great chance, namely to significantly simplify the access to our world’s cultural heritage und thus to create an important contribution to the future’s knowledge society. Common memory institutions like libraries, archives and museums are concerned by technological developments in numerous ways. This Ohu will focus on questions regarding the long-time conservation and digitalisation of current collections, new possibilities of registration and development, the creation of networks and of course the improved access to cultural heritage.

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Ohu Digital Integration & Media Literacy

Out every day life is formed by the ubiquity of digital media, which forces us to drastically other our rules of interaction. The term “media literacy” hence, needs a new definition. This Ohu will compile an overview of ongoing activities to foster media competence and education. Based on this, it will discuss how support for media literacy should be organised in the future.

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Ohu Global Internet Governance

The Ohu Global Internet Governance aims at researching the political as well as the legal questions for the development of global Internet governance mechanisms. It analyzes the issues discussed in international bodies from a German perspective. Furthermore, GIG enables dia-logue between different stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, Internet us-ers as well as the technical community in order to develop practical recommendations.

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Ohu New Work & Innovation

The Ohu wants to identify trends in the development of organisations and employment in the increasingly flexible information society, including the respective risks and opportunities. It will then deduce strategic impulses for industry, politics and administration.

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Ohu Open Government

The Ohu wants to cover political and juridical challenges that emerge from the development of global Internet governance. It aims at examining topics that are addresses by International governance bodies from a German perspective. Ideally, this Ohu engages government, parliament, industry, civil society, academia, users, and the technical community in a dialogue and develops recommendations.

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