
Copyright for the Information Society

Steffen Albrecht
Steffen Albrecht develops tools for participative policy processes at zebralog.

Gabriele Beger
Gabriele Beger manages the University library of Hamburg and teaches law of libraries and information economy at the Humboldt-University of Berlin.

Christoph Bruch
Is the head of the department for Open Access of the German Max Planck Institute.

Oliver Castendyk
Oliver Castendyk is an independent lawyer for media production and teaches at the Bucerius Law School and the Hamburg Media School.

Per Christiansen
Per Christiansen is a visiting research fellow at the Hamburg Graduate School for Media and Communications.

Daniel Dietrich
Daniel Dietrich is co-founder of Tactical Tools , founding director of Open Data Network and works as scientific assistant at the TU Berlin.

Jeannette Dietrich
Jeannette Dietrich manages the legal matters of YouTube.

Timo Ehmann
Dr. Timo Ehmann is the founder of www.JUSMEUM.de and member of the alliance Copyright for Education and Science.

Tobias Ernst
Dr. Tobias Ernst is a manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers in the area of public sector consulting.

Arnd Haller
Dr. Arnd Haller manages the law department of Google Germany and is a member of the board of trustees of FSM.

Natali Helberger
Dr. Helberger is a senior researcher at the Institute for Information Law.

Ulrich Herb
Ulrich Herb works at the University library of Saarland in the field of open access and e-publishing, teaches at HTW Chur and is a freelance journalists.

Stefan Herwig
Stefan Herwig is founder of Mindbase Strategic Consulting, CEO of the label Dependent, and works as DJ.

Jeanette Hofmann
Dr. Jeanette Hofmann works at the Social Science Research Center in Berlin and as expert council of the German parliament’s commission of inquiry “Internet and Digital Society”.

Holger Kienle
Dr. Kienle is a post-doctoral fellow in information sciences at Malardalen University, Sweden.

Paul Klimpel
Dr. Paul Klimpel is the administrative director of the German Kinemathek and CEO of the Network Mediatheken.

Ulrich Klotz
Ulrich Klotz is part of the board of trustees of IG Metall Germany and professor at the University of Applied Sciences Offenbach.

Kaya Koklu
Dr. Kaya Koklu works as scientific advisor for the Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law.

Till Kreutzer
Dr. iur. Till Kreutzer is a partner of i.e., a bureau of information right expertise, co-founder of iRights.info, member of the German UNESCO Commission and the topical leader of the third Co:llaboratory initiative.

Dirk Krischenowski
Dirk Krischenowski founded the initiative for the city top level domain .berlin, continues this project with ICANN, is member of the board of trustees of ISOC.DE and partner of DOTZON.

Sascha Lazimbat
Sascha Lazimbat is co-founder of Zebralution and founder of A2 Electronic Publishing.

Michael Littger
Dr. Michael Littger is attorney at law and head of the department „knowledge society and telecommunications“ of BDI.

Martin G. Loehe
Martin G. Loehe works for the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS and develops e-Government applications.

Robin Meyer-Lucht
Robin Meyer-Lucht founded the multi-author-blog Carta and taught at media economy at the Free University of Berlin.

Jan Moenikes
Jan Moenikes is a partner of SCHALAST & PARTNER lawyers in Berlin.

Ramak Molavi
Ramak Molavi is a lawyer working on information technology and games law, as well as a freelance designer.

Philipp Mueller
Philipp Mueller is Director for Business Development at CSC Germany.

Georg Nolte
Dr. Georg Nolte is a lawyer for TaylorWessing with a focus on online media.

Philipp Otto
Philipp Otto is editor and strategic project manager of IRights.info and works a project manager for the Co:llaboratory’s third initiative.

Mani Pirouz
Mani Pirouzist ist he principal product marketing manager of salesforce.com.

Thomas Praus
Thomas Praus is a managing partner at PANORAMA3000 and co-organiser of the Social Media Week in Berlin.

Mario Rehse
Dr. Mario Rehse is a department head of BITKOM, with a focus on commercial legal protection and property rights.

Mathias Schindler
Mathias Schindler founded Wikipedia Germany e.V. and works as a member of Wikimedia’s communications committee.

Gudrun Schweppe
Gudrun Schweppe is the vice president of Music/ TV & Movie of Fox Mobile Group.

Max Senges
Max Senges works in Google Germany‘s policy team as connection between academia and civil society.

Cornelia Sollfrank
Cornelia Sollfrank is a hacker, cyber feminist and net-artist, who currently works on an artistic dissertation on „Performing the Paradoxes of Intellectual Property. “

Matthias Spielkamp
Matthias Spielkamp is the founding-editor and project-manager of iRights.info.

John Weitzmann
John Weitzmann is the project-coordinator of Creative Commons Europe.

Karsten Wenzlaff
Karsten Wenzlaff is editor and social media manager of the vorwaerts publishing house and co-founder of ikosom.

Dorothee Werner
Dorothee Werner is the office manager for the CEO of the Boersenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels.

Ole Wintermann
Ole Wintermann built up and manages the platform futurechallenges.org for the Bertelsmann Foundation.

Hergen Woebken
Hergen Woebken is foudner and CEO of IFSE.

Christian von Borries
Christian von Borries is an orchestra conductor, composer and producer of site specific psychogeographic projects.