Marianne Wulff |
Dr. Marianne Wulff is a political scientist and deals with question of administrative modernization, espacially "technically-driven administration reform".
CoBase profile page | Steering Group
Dr. Philipp Müller |
Philipp S. Mueller is the public affairs director for Central and Eastern Europe at CSC, the next-generation information technology (IT) services and solutions provider and teaches strategy and leadership at the University of Salzburg and Sciences Po, Paris. He is a renowned public speaker, the author of three books and influential articles focusing on the interplay of information technology, strategy, and organization theory. He has a PhD from Ludwig-Maximilians-University, has been a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and studied at Georgetown University. You can reach out to him via twitter at: @philippmueller
1st Initiative | 2nd Initiative | 3rd Initiative | Ohu Open Government | Steering Group
Lena-Sophie Müller |
Lena-Sophie Müller studierte Politikwissenschaft in Sydney (Australien) und Potsdam. Seit 2008 arbeitete sie als Wissenschaftlerin am Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS in Berlin und hat dort zahlreiche Verwaltungsmodernisierungs- und E-Government-Projekte mit der Industrie und der öffentlichen Verwaltung auf EU-, Bundes-, Landes- und Kommunalebene geleitet. Dort verantwortete sie seit 2010 auch das Zentrum für Interoperabilität. Seit 2014 ist sie Geschäftsführerin der Initiative D21 e.V.
Lenkungskreis | Verein
former members of the Steering Group
Max Senges |
Max Senges works in Google Germany‘s policy team as connection between academia and civil society.
XING | Blog | Google+
Initiative 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Member of Steering Group until spring 2013